Aadi to emulate Chiranjeevi with Rough?
Actor Sai Kumar thinks Aadi's upcoming film Rough will become a huge hit like Chiranjeevi's Khaidi. Speaking at the teaser launch of the film he said, "Aadi has always dreamt of acting in a full fledged action entertainer. I'm confident that Rough will turn out to be a game changer in Aadi's career. Director Subbareddy has done a fabulous job and the movie has shaped up very well. I'm confident that this film will turn out to be the biggest blockbuster in Aadi's career, like Khaidi was for Chiranjeevi and Police Story for me."Director Subbareddy said, "Aadi has done a wonderful job in the movie. Producer Abhilash was very supportive and never hesitated when it came to spending money on the movie. The film has plenty of commercial elements, and will connect with the audiences."
Rakul Preet Singh is playing the female lead in the movie. Mani Sharma has composed the music for the film produced by Abhilash. The film is releasing under the Sridevi Entertainments Banner.
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