Colors Swathi is popular in every household in Andhra and Telangana. The actress that actually shot to fame with reality show went on to become an actress, and an interesting one at that! Ashta Chamma debut gave her a good break and she has become favorite with young girls for her accent and style!
She has gone to Kollywood too and could draw popularity with Tamil audience as well. However, lately there are rumors about her personal life that she is in relationship with her Swamy Ra Ra hero Nikhil Siddharth. Ever since the duo featured in the movie they have been allegedly seeing each other and with Kartikeya movie their relationship has touched peaks, its heard.
Restaurants or pubs, night clubs or dance floors the two were caught red handed hand in hand.
Swathi has been denying anything between them and says she is only befriending a co-actor! But why would anyone go alone to a dance floor or restaurant with a boy? OK, cool girl, we will wait for that time when the truth will anyway come out.
She has gone to Kollywood too and could draw popularity with Tamil audience as well. However, lately there are rumors about her personal life that she is in relationship with her Swamy Ra Ra hero Nikhil Siddharth. Ever since the duo featured in the movie they have been allegedly seeing each other and with Kartikeya movie their relationship has touched peaks, its heard.
Restaurants or pubs, night clubs or dance floors the two were caught red handed hand in hand.
Swathi has been denying anything between them and says she is only befriending a co-actor! But why would anyone go alone to a dance floor or restaurant with a boy? OK, cool girl, we will wait for that time when the truth will anyway come out.
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