Prabhas who is busy shooting for his long time project Baahubali seems to have given his nod to give his voice over for the upcoming Mahesh Babu film. Buzz is that Prabhas who shares good rapport with his Mirchi director Koratala Siva, reportedly accepted the latter's proposal to lend voice for his untitled new film with Superstar Mahesh Babu.
This has been a trend that top heroes giving voice over to their colleagues, which had took off when Mahesh Babu has given his voice for Pawan Kalyan's Jalsa. Shooting of Mahesh-Koratala Siva film will start in the month of November. Devi Sri Prasad will score the music.
This has been a trend that top heroes giving voice over to their colleagues, which had took off when Mahesh Babu has given his voice for Pawan Kalyan's Jalsa. Shooting of Mahesh-Koratala Siva film will start in the month of November. Devi Sri Prasad will score the music.
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