Archana is playing the titular role in her upcoming Telugu film Anandini, directed by Nirnayi Pallati. The actress will be seen as an aspiring singer in the film which has the tag line 'the voice of a soul. Talking about the role, Archana says, "It's a very sweet yet intense character. I'm fond of music and I play an aspiring singer who loses both parents in her childhood and is raised by her maternal uncle. How she bucks the odds to pursue her dream of becoming a singer is the crux of the story."
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Archana is also shooting for another untitled film directed by Prabhakaran. "The film has five different stories and I play the protagonist in one of those plots where I'm stranded on the national highway and a guy gives me a lift. How we fall in love over a series of events will be depicted in the film," explains Archana, who is a trained Kuchipudi dancerThe curly haired actress has also wrapped up shooting for a Tamil film. "It's a bubbly character and I play a pampered sister of a goon. I fall in love with the hero and the film is about how the protagonist wins me in clash with my brother," signs off Archana.
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