Pawan Kalyan has been busy for the last couple of months shooting for Gopala Gopala movie. It is learnt that his part for the movie would complete in another week's time but the shooting had delays because of power star's chronic back pain that had been bothering him for over two years now!
The actor had even been to Bangalore and the doctors there advised him to go for surgery but since it would affect his movies on sets he only had some physiotherapy there and came back home! Even though the pain has been haunting him he went on enduring it but did not take surgery advice very seriously. With GG movie coming to end his friends are again requesting him to go with the operation but its learnt that Pawan is still in dilemma to go for it or complete Gabbar Singh 2.
As fans what would be your thoughts? Since Gabbar Singh 2 has not gone on sets, isn't it better for him to follow doctor's advice?
The actor had even been to Bangalore and the doctors there advised him to go for surgery but since it would affect his movies on sets he only had some physiotherapy there and came back home! Even though the pain has been haunting him he went on enduring it but did not take surgery advice very seriously. With GG movie coming to end his friends are again requesting him to go with the operation but its learnt that Pawan is still in dilemma to go for it or complete Gabbar Singh 2.
As fans what would be your thoughts? Since Gabbar Singh 2 has not gone on sets, isn't it better for him to follow doctor's advice?
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